It's Expensive! Would you spend Rs 6.81 lakh for a classic Chanel bag like Janhvi Kapoor?
It was just another day in Janhvi Kapoor's life. The actress, who made her debut with Dhadak, was recently spotted by the paparazzi post a rigorous workout session, where her hot-pink look (sports bra+ leggings) grabbed many eyeballs, and so did her hot bod. However, we couldn't take our eyes off her classic-black Chanel bag that she paired with her gym attire and a pair of flip-flops. Wondering why? It's only because of the expensive price tag that accompanies it. If you wish to splurge on a luxurious thing, Janhvi Kapoor's Chanel bag could be the right pick for you. On the other hand, if you wanna fund your shopping for a year, saving your money is our advice for you. Why? Well, because the Chanel bag costs around Rs. 681,000, and it is certainly not everyone's cup of tea.
If you don't believe what you just read, check out the price tag of the bag here:
Well, Janhvi totally loves shopping and it seems she doesn't think twice when she's on a shopping spree. A few months ago, the actress shopped so much that, according to her, she had to literally carry extra bags to pack her clothing and accessories. "Maine itni shopping kar li hai ki ab extra bags lene padengey to take it back to Mumbai. Aap log Mumbai mein bhi branch khol lo. Main saara din wahi baithi rahungi," Janhavi had said to the store manager.
Coming to her professional front, we will see her as Gunjan Saxena on the big screen. Her movie, Kargil Girl, is based on the life of Gunjan, who made history when she flew into the combat zone during the 1999 Kargil War and evacuated injured soldiers.
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