Harry Potter’s Voldemort vs Shaktimaan’s Tamraj Kilvish – a genius Instagrammer noted similarities between the two iconic villains and it is MIND-BLOWING!

Harry Potter’s Voldemort vs Shaktimaan’s Tamraj Kilvish – a genius Instagrammer noted similarities between the two iconic villains and it is MIND-BLOWING!

Harry Potter's Voldemort is one of the most evil villains we have seen. The sheer thought of wanting to rule the world and going to the extent of splitting one's soul into not one but seven, can only highlight the very disturbing and terrorizing thought process of the person. On the other hand, Tamraj Kilvish is one of the iconic villains of one of the iconic Indian TV shows, Shaktimaan. Have you ever tried to find similarities between the two? Well, a this Instagrammer by the handle @sagarcasm has had a lot of free time during this lockdown and he has drawn some parallels between the two Dark Lords. Read on and get your mind blown!

Instagram/ saragarcasm

Both are related to dark

Harry Potter fans would know that Voldemort was known as the Dark Lord while Tamraj literally translates to Lord of the Dark.

Instagram/ saragarcasm

Skin and Robes

Both Voldemort and Kilvish wore black flowing robe. And their skin was pearly white/unusually pale unlike the normal skin tone. Also, each one had a distinct nose. While Voldemort had just two slits, Kilvish had a beak-like hooked nose, that gave distinct looks to their characters.

Instagram/ sargarcasm

Nemesis with special powers

Both Voldemort and Kilvish had a nemesis who had special powers. Voldemort faced Harry who was a gifted wizard with brilliant flying skills just like Shaktimaan aka Pandit Gangadhar Vidyadhar Mayadhar Omkarnath Shastri.

Instagram/ sargarcasm

Killer of hero's parents

Voldemort killed James and Lily Potter, Harry's parents in order to kill Harry, but failed. On the other hand, Kilvish killed Gangadhar's parents only to face the wrath of Shaktimaan.

Instagram/ saragarcasm

Different names, brilliant students

Voldemort was known as Tom Marvolo Riddle while Kilvish was known as Vajrabahu. Both were brilliant students who wandered into darkness forever.

Instagram/ sagarcasm

Same school/teacher

Voldemort and Harry studied in Hogwarts, though at different times. Both of them were under the supervision of Albus Dumbledore. On the other hand, Kilvish and Shaktimaan had the same teacher, Guru Sarvagya.

Instagram/ sagarcasm


As pointed out by Sagar, both Lord Voldemort and Kilvish were introduced to the world in the same year, that is 1997.

Instagram/ saragarcasm

Did you ever think about it? Mind-blown, no? All thanks to Sagar here. Keep them 'kundalis' coming, Sagar.

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