Happy Birthday Martin Scorsese: 5 scenes of the Oscar-winning Director with those ultimate 'Gangster' feels

Happy Birthday Martin Scorsese: 5 scenes of the Oscar-winning Director with those ultimate 'Gangster' feels

Martin Scorsese what can possibly be said about the master that hasn't been said before. Do we call him great?...A legend?...An auteur?...A Director whose helmed more classics than what constitutes the entire repertoire of most filmmakers...Someone who's played a major hand in carving the destinies of two brilliant actors (Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio)...Or someone who jolly well should've had a shelf full of Oscars instead of that the solitary stature the Academy has bestowed on him? Any and everything we say about Scorsese pales before his herculean accomplishments. But perhaps the one thing that Martin Scorsese is associated the most with is his proclivity for churning out masterpieces in the crime genre. The Departed, Gangs of New York, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Casino....need we say more?

So today, being his birthday happy birthday, Marty sir, btw we've decided to keep things simple by taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting the scenes from these classics that made the movies, the actors in them, and the Director behind them into such beloved pop-culture figures. Presenting 5 of the most iconic scenes from Martin Scorsese movies, which give us those ultimate 'Gangster' feels to this day:

1.) "You talkin' to me": Robert De Niro - Taxi Driver (1976)

The Marty scene to end all Marty scenes...or most iconic scenes for that matter. When De Niro flashes that evil grin, whips out that revolver with all his swag, points to the mirror, and utters those words you can't help but wish to be in his devilish situation but once in your life.


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